For Parents
Why Dance?
- Kids build character and recognize their strengths by being creative
- They learn what's natural for them
- Develop self awareness
- They have fun!
- Hopefully they feel that they can belong to something
- Develop relationships with other kids
Why This Style?
- They can interpret their own style of moving
- It gives a sense of freedom
- There is an exchange of positive energy
- Kids can show their personality
- Show how dance can be a positive way of expression
- Encourages individual, origin, and personal style
- Focus on physical exercise and learn great dance techniques and moves
What are the benefits of taking dance with DWK?
- They learn to focus and have fun without realizing that they are "learning"
- They are taught life-skills (respect, personality, they can discover more about music, etc.)
- To be aware of others in class
- Helps kids find their own voice through voice in dance
- Find their own uniqueness
- Places them in a positive, safe, family environment
- They will learn to give something back by becoming teachers themselves
- Kids can make friends by sharing something in common
- Build a dance phrase
- Develop physical competence
- Prove that precision and control improve with practice
- They will learn a choreographed routine during the lessons
- Work in a team and perform as a group
What does music mean to me?
- It gives me freedom to move
- Allows me to be creative and inspires me
- Creates comfort
- Gives me energy
- Brings the kids together without borders, no matter what the backgrounds
- Makes me smile!
What does my child have to wear?
- Comfortable, baggy, loose clothes, gym/sports shoes
- Anything to make them feel comfortable to move!
Can my child try a lesson first before signing up?
- Of course! Everyone should try it to see if it's for them!
Can my child try a lesson first before signing up?
- Of course! Everyone should try it to see if it's for them!
Can parents watch the classes?
- Yes! I encourage that parents see how their kids do in the class and give feedback anytime!
Are there also classes for adults?
- Yes! There are classes for adults in the mornings and evenings. Check for more information.
Can I get some of the music used in the classes?
- I can provide you with the information of the songs used. You can easily download them yourselves or buy them if you prefer!
How can I find out about other classes or workshops that DWK has?